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Rated “Excellent” by our users. Just google Dukes of Daisy Reviews

My recent experience with Dukes of Daisy left a big impression on me. The whole experience was a pleasure from start to finish and this is a service I can not only highly recommend but will also be using again. As a businesswoman in my line of work, there is a lot of call for travel, both local and abroad and so I often find myself both working and travelling after hours and on weekends which leaves me very little time for socialising. On this particular trip, I found myself in a small village in England; the type with a strong community orientation and many local events and outings for anyone to join. The village, mostly older, retired couples, homed just 2 pubs and a community hall.

As it happened, I ended up staying longer in the village than originally anticipated, which included the need to stay over a weekend. I decided to make the best of it and use the time to get out and try see some of the area since I had the time. Travelling fast becomes unappealing when done on one’s own and so too does site-seeing! With this in mind I decided to try the Dukes of Daisy service to find a non-sexual male friend to accompany me on my adventure.

Having heard favourable reports of the Dukes of Daisy service from a friend who had used the service several times to connect with a non-sexual friend, I decided to see if there was anyone available in the area. The website was easy to use and there were many non-sexual date options for me to choose from, which was quite a delight. The profiles were all lovey and it was easy to see who would be a good companion to spend the time with. Soon after reaching out to a number of the male escorts, I received replies from two who were available for the date that I had in mind. After a brief conversation I made my choice and extended an invitation which was quickly accepted! Easiest date ever!

Rent a Friend UK

My rent a date lived close-by and was happy to collect me so that we could take leisurely, winding drive around hills and farms on the tiny roads, designed for 1 car at a time and framed by the most glorious trees, for miles on end. Our destination was the well-known town of Shere, which is famous for its pretty lanes, picturesque houses and an idyllic churchyard, all of which have been featured in hundreds of movies of the past years. What a thrill it was to enjoy the unseasonal spring sunshine in the local tea garden next to the river. Who could ask for more? My companion was delightfully funny and easy to talk to which made the outing even more pleasant. After strolling around the town, we made our way back to the village I was staying. My companion left me with a happy wave having also enjoyed the day’s outing as much as I had. So glad that I reached out to Dukes of Daisy and looking forward to doing it again.

Click here to find a Rent a female date in your area.


Dukes of Daisy Non-Sexual Escorts since 2013

Escort agencies have been around since almost the beginning of time and so too has the human need for companionship.

Rent a Friend UKFrom before birth humans connect to the voices of their mothers and fathers and after birth, the human baby is 100% dependent on its family for survival. As the human baby grows older, they start to become social being and socialising becomes one of the most important aspects of a thriving child, along with food, shelter, safety and other such fundamentals required for survival. As the human child becomes a human teenager, hormones increase and companionship becomes of utmost importance.

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The human need for social interacting is so strong that without the loving touch of a parent, it is known that a baby, despite having all its other needs met, will stop growing and left totally without touch, may even die. Its no wonder that Escort agencies have been around since the beginning of time. Connectivity, companionship and contact are vital to life!

Not everyone who is looking for connection, is looking for just a physical relationship. Just as important to any relationship, is companionship of a non-sexual kind. People and situations change as human beings develop and journey through their lives and during these different stages of life, a person may reach out for different things … sometimes all we need is simply not to be alone to make everything right in the world again.

Companion rent a friend service can be hand picked to match your exact requirements. Whereas the usual approach of “spray and pray” or waiting for the universe to show you a sign, is one way to go, we believe that the universe rewards action. Simply by going online to see who is out there will help you to define what it is exactly that you are looking for in a companion. Its not as if you can walk into a pub and walk up to an individual and read their likes, dislikes, passions and hobbies on a piece of paper attached to their shoulders. When meeting people in person you must first take the time to figure all these things out, which may leave you feeling like you have wasted your time with someone who just isn’t your cup of tea and has absolutely nothing in common with you. Sometimes this process can take months, by which time you have invested time and money, so when you realise that there is nothing holding you to the other person, time has flown, and you have missed the chance to meet someone who is exactly right up your alley!

Don’t miss your chance and don’t waste time on someone who isn’t a good match for you. Rent a friend companies offer all of their likes and dislikes up-front so that you know exactly what you are getting when you commit to this companion dating service. Non-sexual female escorts can provide companionships for any event, whether you are a thrill-seeking extrovert or a home-body introvert, there is a perfectly suited companion waiting to hear from you.


Duke of Daisy directory of escorts across London

Dukes of Daisy Non-Sexual Escorts since 2013

The rent a friend London concept is unique to Dukes of Daisy because it offers those who may be not be quite so out-going or comfortable in crowds or unfamiliar scenes, as well as those who have extremely busy lives which do not allow for much time for socializing in the traditional sense. Not only that but online companions will give you a short description of what they are all about so that you don’t have to waste precious time with someone who is not on your same wave-length. Enjoy the type of person that you naturally gravitate towards and avoid those who just are not your scene. Its easy for you to sit yourself comfortably at your computer or device and take your time to search through a vast array of different personality types so that you can find the ones that you prefer best.

When you are ready, simply contact the companion of your choice and cut to the chase… make a plan to meet up for an event or occasion so that you no longer have to suffer through another boring outing on your own! Men and women of your choosing are available for a Rent a companion London date that will leave you feeling like you have a new lease on life.

Change your perspective and step out with a companion of your choice and enjoy the things that you love to do with someone who matches you intellectually and personality-wise. Dukes of Daisy staff are on-hand to assist you so you will never get the feeling that you are alone in your quest for a good time!



Dukes of Daisy Rent a Friend Service

Not an escort agency and not a dating service, the companion services industry has introduced a whole new opportunity for men and women who are looking for something different to help them deal with the stresses and strains of their social life. Having a social life which is full and rich is always a wonderful goal but can be pretty stressful and presents is own issues from time to time. From the time we are teenagers, most people really want to spend time with people who they enjoy spending time with and meeting new and interesting people. Having a social life also includes taking care of family responsibilities, like birthdays and anniversaries. Another area of life that sometimes requires us to spend a little extra time investing in, is work. Responsibilities present themselves in many different ways and this definitely includes socializing. Thanks to the internet and the inspired action of Dukes of Daisy, there is always a way for you to enjoy any social situation.


Companion rent a friend service are always in high demand because there are always social events where people are looking for someone to accompany them and bring a little spice to an event. Male companions are certainly very much in demand so if you are sitting on the fence, wondering if this is the job for you, commit now because there are so many wonderful people looking for someone to enjoy their time with. A male companion offers a unique service in that it is your responsibility to care for the needs of your client. In this role, male companions service is all about offering your client the best of what you have to offer so that socializing becomes a breeze. It's not all about how you look or what you can offer in terms of a relationship. This is a non-sexual service, so the expectations are clear and the role is simple: be yourself.

Adding your profile on the Dukes of Daisy website and providing as much information about yourself as you can, will help your client to chose you specifically because of what you have to offer. There are a lot of companions to chose from so being as honest as you can about what you like to do and how you like to spend your time will definitely go a long way towards showing what you are all about so that you can provide everything you have to give in each and every social environment. Just by being yourself, you will attract many clients who will be comfortable with you at their side no matter if it’s a family function, a work event, or just because it’s the weekend. It's simple and it's easy and there is someone out there looking for someone just like you. Nothing about this service will leave you feeling uncomfortable or uneasy with your client because the role that you are providing is always achievable as there are no unexpected awkward endings to the date. No long-term commitments, no short-term expectations, just you and your companion, and a good night out. Chose Dukes of Daisy – you won't regret it!


Good conversation is easy to find

Do you cringe inwardly at this time of year when people around you start planning for year-end and social calendars start filling up with all variety of activities and events to celebrate religious events and the like? Are you that person who usually makes excuses after receiving the constant barrage of party invitations? Could you think of nothing worse than going through the festive season alone and single… again. It’s a fact that people get more depressed as the holidays approach and this is mostly as a result of the expectations of society in general around spending time and money on celebrations.

If this is you and you can’t stand it any longer, then you have three choices. The first choice is to avoid and deflect at all costs, the interaction of any kind in favour of your couch, your most comfortable onesie and a never ending stream of junk food designed to replace all the needs which are met through human interaction. Diversion is key for this approach as people will come searching for you and ask you the questions that you are trying to avoid. Recommendations for this approach is to lock the door, let your mobile charge all the way down and leave the lights off so that people think you have gone away on holiday and are uncontactable because you have lost signal in some mysterious island destination. Suggest fake tan at the end of the season to make your story authentic.

Option 2 is: if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Whatever you do, don’t join them alone! Sign on to the Duke of Daisy’s website and join their rent a friend service. No reason why you should suffer alone when there are many Dukes and Daisy’s who are more than happy to help you beat the year-end blues and face the maddening crowds of Santa hats with plats fans, loving the mistletoe and wine. Put on your party shoes and head out to year-end events and celebrations with a smile on your face and a handsome companion on your arm.

Which brings us to option three… if you are not a fan of either of the previous options and you are someone who finds crowds and parties emotionally taxing and enjoy serenity and calm, then why not do yourself a favour and take all of the money and time which you were thinking of investing in never-ending celebrations and find a date at Dukes of Daisy who will be the perfect partner for that quiet fire-side sherry with good conversation. Put yourself first and recharge your batteries by sharing quality times with someone who likes the same things that you do. No commitment, no relationship strings attached. Just good times with a friend to keep you company during this potentially stressful and emotional time of year. Beat the year end blues and never find yourself in that awkward position of attending family functions on your own, or be left standing like lonely great uncle John in the corner of the room with no one to talk to. Whatever you decide to do, Dukes of Daisy has the companion for you.


Try a different kind of dating service

Dukes of Daisy rent friend service is brilliant, easy and safe to use. The whole concept is based on a platonic dating service and is giving this type of service a fresh face-lift. So many dating sites are simply hook up sites which is great for those who in that space but not everybody may be looking for that type of rendezvous. Obviously everyone is keen on spending time with someone who is intriguing to them on a physical level and that is what you can immediately see from the Dukes of Daisy website. The pictures are there, just like any other dating site, for a person to filter and browse through. Initially you may be drawn to someone because of their appearance. However at the end of the day you never really know until you meet the person.

Dating is tricky enough as it is for singletons who are wondering how to meet people, for whatever reason. Dukes of Daisy is great and different in that there is someone there to help you navigate your way. The office administration assistance from Jessica makes it easier especially if you are wondering if this is the site that you want to spend your hard-earned cash on! Many sites are out there, offering similar services but none are as transparent as Dukes of Daisy.

If you want to find a date, for a special occasion or no occasion in particular, except to take some time out and engage with someone with similar interests to you in a safe and non-threatening way, then Dukes of Daisy is the place to go. With other sites, a person could invest a lot of time and energy just to realise that the people with whom they are engaging are really looking for that instant hook up. For women especially and a lot of men as well, this is not always the goal. Dukes of Daisy escorts know that this is a purely platonic service and even the description, rent a friend service, shows that the intention of the website is different.

Busy people may not always find the time to invest in going out and about to meet people. It takes a brave individual to go out on their own or as a single person in a group, on the off-chance that they might meet someone. Not everyone is wired that way. And often times, this can be an exercise in futility. Anyone would be forgiven for wanting to try to find another way or simply giving up!

Don’t give up! Dukes of Daisy will assist you with your journey and knowing that there is someone there to contact and talk to about the process, makes you really feel more at ease when it comes to making the financial investment. With this service, there will be a success every time! That’s the beauty of it. You are assured that your rented date will be there because after all, this is why they are there too. They want to meet people and you want to meet people. It’s a win-win for all involved and you save time looking in all the wrong places! Contact Dukes of Daisy to get started or login to the website and have a browse. You won’t be disappointed.



Companion dating services

You are a strong and independent business woman with a career path trajectory that quite frankly out-shines the Tesla Roadster on any given day. This type of hard work and determination comes from years of self-discipline and dedication to an outcome that you have invested time, money and energy into, sacrificing all else to achieve the dream. The business world is a challenging environment, one where feelings are deemed as weakness and room for error is smaller than your chances of getting a date this Saturday night. When it comes to defining what it is you want out of life, you know what it takes and you know what sacrifices you have to make and you own your choices.

The only problem is your nagging mother who keeps putting a flea in your ear about all work and no play. Bless her, but what does she know about the cutting edge world you live in and how in fact you really aren’t that keen on dealing with screaming, regurgitating infants, snotty toddlers and the tantrums of the terrible twos (through years 3 to 9!) In actual fact, there’s nothing remotely like that that anticipated on your 5 year plan.

Still, no woman is an island and there’s this perpetual rumour about balanced living and healthy lifestyles and even the great outdoors which, if you put your mind to it, you can vaguely remember from your childhood visit to the Lakes District a decade or so ago. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to safely meet people, without actually leaving your home and putting the pause button on your busy life? A way which doesn’t require a commitment to the process of weeding out the “un-suitable” and pinning down the “possibly-ies”? Where you know what you are getting from the get-go?

Well, Dukes of Daisy has been there, done that and helped thousands to register an escort, rent a friend or Non-Sexual Female Escorts UK and to meet up with someone just like you. If you know what you are looking for, and you do, simply click on to the website and start your search for your next companion date. No Mom, I’m not getting married; I simply wish to enjoy some time-out in a way that I enjoy, with no strings attached. Life has so many variations which do not fit into the traditional perceptions of gender and perpetuating the status quo went out with last year’s fashion colours. Get with the program, rent a friend and choose how you want to spend your time and with who. Doing what you like to do so that you remain focused on the most important thing in your life. That’s YOU. Meeting the expectations of others will never serve you at the end of the day and we all know why that is – because the only person that you have to truly live with is yourself. So go ahead and grab life with both hands the way you want to and forget the judgers and the haters. You have an endless stream of good times ahead and no one is standing in your way. Live the Dukes of Daisy way!


Dukes of Daisy companion services

Are you happy to be on your own? Did you know that no matter what age you are, companionship is one of the most integral parts of what it means to be human? Life can be too busy most of the time. Trying to fit in all of the things that we as humans need, in order to life emotionally and physical healthy and balanced lives, can take up time. More often than not, humans are engrossed in their work, which on its own encompasses a large part of our days and weeks, often followed by the needs of our families which can take up an immense amount of our time. How is there a way to find time for all of their needs as well as our own needs? Social activities, such as engaging in our hobbies, personal interests, exercise and generally being an active part of community can sometimes take a lot of mental energy for us to get involved.

Getting in the funk of staying in on your own can have a negative effect on your psychology and can even play a role on your overall longevity. Loneliness has been proven by doctors to have a physical effect on ability of your body and all of its systems to function optimally. Signs and symptoms of prolonged loneliness range from inflammation in the body, increased risk of heart disease, contracting illnesses such as colds and flu, to depression, increased stress-levels and other unhealthy behaviours such as over-eating and general laziness.

If you have ever been on your own for an extended period of time, you may know all too well the side-effects of severe loneliness. Humans were not built to operate in isolation. Humans were built to interact and form connections with other people. And as we age, it becomes even more important to stay active socially as later in live we are more prone to out-growing friends as our social circumstances changes. Companion services are more and more becoming a much needed life-line for men and women who find themselves looking for someone to share their time with. Doing the things we love, in the company of a friend, can be one of the most rewarding things that we can do. Stimulating conversation, shared interests and physical activity are just some of the many benefits of non-sexual escorts services like Dukes of Daisy.

Dukes of Daisy provides a service which has allowed thousands of people to enjoyed the companionship of a UK male or UK female escort in a manner which is discrete, reputable and safe for both men and women who are looking for someone to share their time with. Dukes of Daisy has a large database of eligible Dukes and Daisy’s each of whom are ready to spend time with you. Just click on the featured Dukes and Daisy’s banner on the website and start your first step towards a more balanced and positive lifestyle.

Being around people makes you healthier, so click on the website to enjoy good conversation, companionship and laughter or to register yourself as one of Dukes of Daisy’s male or female escorts.


Dukes of Daisy breaks the mold

Dukes of Daisy is a business that provides a niche’ service for a growing market. reported at the end of August 2018 that ‘There is no doubt that there is an increase in the use of escorts not only in the United Kingdom but across the globe, with many people beginning to appreciate the fact that they can appear at an event looking stunning and turning heads not particularly due to what they are putting on, but actually due to who they are having on – beautiful, gorgeous, attractive lady.” (

With an increased need for escorts and rent a date, around the country, Dukes of Daisy is in the unique position of being able to offer a service which is not only easy to access, simple to understand and where there are no hidden costs or surprises. What makes us unique is the transparency under which we operate. This is a “what you see if what you get’ services which we believe is the reason for our on-going success. Clients are coming back time again to enjoy the company of different individuals for different occasions.

The term “escort service” has long gone hand in hand with the concept of “sex on order”. Dukes of Daisy breaks that mold and offers the unique opportunity to young men and women around the country a vehicle through which they can reach out and meet new people. Studies have shown that more and more young people are using technology to meet new people and that the ability to instantly access friends online, is what people are looking for.  Human beings on the whole reply on technology to fill a gap in their social lives. However at the end of the day, there is a life outside of the computer and human nature will inevitable move people to meet and be social. And this is where Dukes of Daisy has the unique market of providing friends for people who are able to get to know each other as slowly or as quickly as they prefer.

Other services in the sex industry are costly and not affordable to many young folks. We have taken this into account and allowed our rent a friend to choose their rates so that when a young man or woman is looking for company, they have to power to choose what is going to suit them. Matched with the ability to search for partners who have similar interests as you, people often save money using our website rather than wasting money on date after date with someone who often turns out not to have the looks they may have portrayed, nor the same interests. Dukes of Daisy offers a safe and easy alternative to going out with strangers, or meeting strangers. We are in the business of creating friendships and connections and are happy to report that for many of our clients, these introductions have led to life-long relationships of every kind.


Renting a Date with Dukes of Daisy is convenient and safe

Are you thinking about choosing a respective date for an important event or occasion? If this is something that you have never done before, rest assured that Dukes of Daisy is well versed with loads of experience in helping you find the right person for your needs. We are here to help and can assure you that we check all of our companions to make sure that we have a great line-up of partners for any person, at any occasion. We keep things friendly and discrete so that you feel sure that you are in safe hands. The key to Dukes of Daisy escorts is that they are non-sexual partners so this immediately sets the tone for your event. Each partner and their companion are primed and understand that our escorts are here to be friendly, attentive and to help you feel relaxed at every stage of your date.

Choosing the perfect male escort London is also key to ensuring a successful meeting. So here are some tips to help you with making the right choice… take an extra minute to think about what you are looking for at your event and this will certainly go a long way to ensuring that you get what you want!

Firstly, it is important that you know what kind of companion you are looking for. The best way to do this is to decide on the type of personality that you are looking for which will match or compliment both your personality as well as be likely to enjoy the occasion that you are thinking of accompanying that person to. If it’s a family wedding or a business year-end function, you may think of someone who is able to mingle with strangers as well as someone who likes to stay up late and enjoys hitting the dance floor. If it’s a visit to the theatre that you have your heart set on, then you might prefer someone who is great with one-on-one interaction and who has a passion or interest in the arts. And if there is a dinner included, well then you would want someone who is easy to be around and who enjoys conversation. Some personalities are more extroverted than others... some shy, some outgoing… choose your perfect date based on the type of personality type you think will enjoy the type of event you are going to.

Another thing to remember is that a person who is interested in the type of social outing that you have planned will help you to enjoy the event. Choosing a companion based on their profile write up will help you to know the type of person you are choosing as well as their interests. Everyone knows that like attracts like, so why not focus on finding someone who has similar interests to you. That way, it’s likely that you will have something in common to talk about and this always helps the evening to flow.

While we don’t always judge a book by its cover, it’s a good idea to note the type of person that you see in the profile picture. Often this is a big clue as to what type of personality they have and by looking at their photo, you can get a great idea of their style. People always give off clues as to their personality types and one way of doing this is by the clothes they wear. Bright colours and fun outfits probably indicate someone who likes to have a fun time and who is out-going. Someone who is dressed conservatively will more than likely be that way by nature. So take in the social clues and make your choice based on what you see versus the type of setting that you are taking your companion to.

Follow these 3 steps and you are guaranteed to find a male escort for any occasion!