IT Support & Design – Knowall


Legal Services in Walton

When hard times fall on your families fortune and the sad day comes knocking, its reassuring to know that you and your family have another family to turn to. Lodge Brother Legal Services is part of the Lodge Brothers Funeral Director’s family and their reputation is one of steadfast professional and caring services when you need it most. Sometimes, life can hand you the unexpected. Perhaps you have had time to plan ahead and perhaps you have not been afforded the luxury of time. Lodge Brothers Legal Services will help you no matter what the circumstances of your family are.

Being prepared ahead of time is always recommended when it comes to planning for the end of your life and how you would like to leave your legacy for your family. Stats regarding the numbers of individuals, who have not prepared a Will or probate Walton before their passing, are staggering and frightening to think about when you know what is involved when life ends. Lodge Brothers Legal Services offers a package of specialised services which include Probate West Byfleet, wills and Lasting powers of attorney.

Lodge Brothers legal services provide a one of kind service in that for the first time a company of lawyers and attorneys such as this is offering standardised pricing schemes to match your needs no matter what situation you find yourself. Inspired by the ability to provide service first and foremost, they never fail to meet the needs of their clients. With three separate and specialised probate Weybridge  packages to choose from, starting at Bronze, followed by Silver and then the ultimate Gold packages, clients are guaranteed to find an option suitable for their lifestyle. The packages are carefully priced with the goals of meeting the financial standards of all their clients. Similarly, Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney documents can be drawn up at a fixed and affordable price which agreed to in advance, eliminating any additional and unexpected financial surprised when the time comes. Years of experience has equipped the company with the innate understanding of your family’s legal needs and are ready to assist you with any questions or queries that you have regarding these advantageous legal services.

Life is for the living so why not take care of business so that you can get to what you love doing best with your families and loved ones. Just the peace of mind that you will have knowing that your affairs are in order, will be one less stressful thing that you need to think about. It's highly recommended to get your estate in order to avoid additional complications. Being prepared means that your estate is dealt with exactly how you would like it to be and that nothing is left to the chance or stale legal process to determine how and to who your estate will be passed. Have it handled by those in the know so that your family does not need to go searching for answers and help with the time comes?


Knowall IT makes your IT better

Image result for knowall itBusiness is hyper-reliant on IT. Without technology, a business in this age will not be able to service its customers. And customers are the one thing that your business cannot function without. So in essence, your IT is your business. Technology infiltrates business from the moment you being to think about your new start up. From social media for exposure and search engine optimisation (SEO) thereby gaining exposure, to communication for picking up on leads and thereafter maintaining and building relationships, to developing sophisticated structures on which to sustain your business systems and processes. No matter the nature of your business, whether it be in manufacturing, retail, communications, media or any other possible industrial sector, you reply on customers and your business relies on technology.

IT support Paddington is where you can find Knowall IT who offer technologically-forward answers to your companies IT needs. Never underestimate the pace at which IT and technology is changing and adapting. This fast-changing industry offers both problems and solutions for your business. The world’s level of technology is racing ahead which is the problem that your company faces. Namely how do I offer my customer the very best service and products so that I can place myself at the front of the pack, attracting customers to my company in a consistent and sustainable manner. The answer is simple, turn to those who understand the problem intimately and who are themselves on the cusp of industry and technology with innovation. Knowall IT Support London has already developed the answer to the technological question that you are currently pondering. Going above and far beyond the world of IT as we currently see it, Knowall IT is ready for tomorrow’s technology so that when the time comes for your business to reach out for guidance and expert advice on technological challenges, there is already a solution for you.

Taking tomorrow’s technological needs one step ahead, Knowall IT only provides the best IT support you can afford while also knowing what is coming down the line, thereby providing you the best version solution to not only support your business now, but to sustain it into the ever-developing future of technology.

Your customers are looking for a service that will make business easier for them. If you are looking for the same for your business, allowing it to stay one step ahead of your customer's needs, then you have to turn to the company which can provide you with the step beyond. That is how fast life will begin to move as the forth industrial revolution infiltrates our lives. Revolution is described as a “forcible overthrow in favour of a new system”. Industry 4.0 is here and is bringing with it radical change on multiple technological fronts. If this leaves you feeling daunted and bleak in anticipating the impact that this will have on your business, then there is no time to wait. Knowall IT is excited and ready to go above and beyond regarding technological solutions for you. Get the IT Support that you cannot afford to be without.


Green DIY Marquees

Is your company preparing to host an event that needs to truly impress your clients? Is your sales force in line for an incentive bonus to show them that they are well appreciated for meeting their sales targets? Is it time to celebrate the anniversary of your company? When it comes to treating your staff and clients, nothing could be as lackluster as holding your event in the office again. Show your best side and prepare an event that hasn’t been done before and really show your business partners what you are all about.

Wondering what the easiest and most cost-effective way of putting on a show to impress the rest is? Something original, dependable, while still offering flexibility? What about somewhere with a dance floor lit up with colourful lights and a DJ or even a live band? Yet something with enough space to provide a separate quiet space for guests who aren’t in the mood to put on their dancing shoes. Something that will let you go to town with all the bells and whistles and still provide a space that is warm and cosy, without costing your company all the profit you have just accrued during the year!

DIY Marquees offers the most superior range of marquees, including Green commercial grade marquees with the capacity to attain all of your functional needs for the event of the year. If you are wondering how to make a marquee the ultimate function location, go along to the website and take a look at the multitude of options which are available to you both in terms of the marquee itself, its size, dimensions and structure as well as all of the accessories that DIY Marquees offer to ensure that the marquee you choose has all of the components that you need. The website will show you to the interactive marquee planner which allows you to play around with the style, size and features of the marquee that will suit you best. Once you have decided, click on your option to choose the extras that you will need. Extras include roof linings, roof walls and curtain linings, roof, wall, curtain and swag linings, and carpet flooring, white and retro festoons or chandelier lighting and door frames. Chose online and immediately receive the cost and add to your cart.

Now that the marquee and accessories have been chosen, the questions is: how do you the power your marquee to accommodate the DJ, food and drinks, lighting, not to mention how to ensure that you can provide heating to the marquee. Simple ways to power your marquee which can all be done safely are either to try running extensions leads run from a main building to the marquee, making sure to over the leads so that guests and staff do not accidentally trip on them. Remember to run the leads from behind the marquee where possible. Or, you can establish a large mains supply which can be temporarily connected from a building to the marquee (electrician required) or use a generator. All options will allow you to light up your function successfully.


Companion dating services

You are a strong and independent business woman with a career path trajectory that quite frankly out-shines the Tesla Roadster on any given day. This type of hard work and determination comes from years of self-discipline and dedication to an outcome that you have invested time, money and energy into, sacrificing all else to achieve the dream. The business world is a challenging environment, one where feelings are deemed as weakness and room for error is smaller than your chances of getting a date this Saturday night. When it comes to defining what it is you want out of life, you know what it takes and you know what sacrifices you have to make and you own your choices.

The only problem is your nagging mother who keeps putting a flea in your ear about all work and no play. Bless her, but what does she know about the cutting edge world you live in and how in fact you really aren’t that keen on dealing with screaming, regurgitating infants, snotty toddlers and the tantrums of the terrible twos (through years 3 to 9!) In actual fact, there’s nothing remotely like that that anticipated on your 5 year plan.

Still, no woman is an island and there’s this perpetual rumour about balanced living and healthy lifestyles and even the great outdoors which, if you put your mind to it, you can vaguely remember from your childhood visit to the Lakes District a decade or so ago. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to safely meet people, without actually leaving your home and putting the pause button on your busy life? A way which doesn’t require a commitment to the process of weeding out the “un-suitable” and pinning down the “possibly-ies”? Where you know what you are getting from the get-go?

Well, Dukes of Daisy has been there, done that and helped thousands to register an escort, rent a friend or Non-Sexual Female Escorts UK and to meet up with someone just like you. If you know what you are looking for, and you do, simply click on to the website and start your search for your next companion date. No Mom, I’m not getting married; I simply wish to enjoy some time-out in a way that I enjoy, with no strings attached. Life has so many variations which do not fit into the traditional perceptions of gender and perpetuating the status quo went out with last year’s fashion colours. Get with the program, rent a friend and choose how you want to spend your time and with who. Doing what you like to do so that you remain focused on the most important thing in your life. That’s YOU. Meeting the expectations of others will never serve you at the end of the day and we all know why that is – because the only person that you have to truly live with is yourself. So go ahead and grab life with both hands the way you want to and forget the judgers and the haters. You have an endless stream of good times ahead and no one is standing in your way. Live the Dukes of Daisy way!


Release negative emotions through Bodywork

Have you been that woman who sits quietly at women-only social gatherings such as hens-parties and baby showers, listening to friends and strangers share how wonderful their lives are and especially their  love lives which are clearly filled with passionate encounters with many fulfilling endings? Woman in the company of other woman have this way of sharing their most personal and intimate details. Sometimes, if you are “lucky”, you find yourself in the company of others whose “happy endings” are for you, like the pot of gold at the never-ending end of the rainbow – that which the wishful go in search of each time they spend intimate exchanges with a partner.

The truth is that the stats are dismally correct when it comes to women and their occasions of intimacy,  when they harshly state that more than half of women have faked it till they make it and alarmingly even more than half have never even had the pleasure of one, let alone multiple climates. In fact sometimes one may start to feel that the movies are lying and that society is just cruel when they speak about the possibility of that which forever evades many thousands of women.

If this is you and you are looking for help to find your way to the most human of all experiences Mal Weeraratne is the answer you have been looking for. Mal Weeraratne has dedicated his life to helping women to release the toxic build-up of negative emotions which can stand in the way of achieving true fulfillment, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The physical body can lock in negative emotions which remain stuck until they helped to be released. Mal Weeraratne's Emotional Detox Through Bodywork: A Woman’s Guide to Healing and Awakening is an emotional and physical sojourn described by those women who have invested in this blend of Taoist and Tantric bodywork as that which can only be likened the ultimate experience of the meeting of body and mind.

Working in unison, facilitated by these ancient and enduring energy techniques, the modern woman can finally journey to the heart of herself while emancipating her body and mind within just a few sessions with Mal Weeraratne. Starting the tantric journey is a simple one in which you find yourself in the capable hands of someone who has studied the female passage to unlocking the body mind's true purpose. Joy is the birth-right for all and living a life of anything less should be radically unacceptable to all. Chase your birth-right with the unrelenting passion of those who move mountains and you will find that nothing less than the ultimate human experience will be enough for you.

Mal Weeraratne’s work of that of a specialist. With years of study, investigation and experience Mal’s dedication to the outcomes has proven itself time and time again. Women across the globe can attest to the efficacy of emotional release through bodywork in their lives. Whether you are inclined to attend a workshop or visit the London based offices, you can be assured of achieving the joy that has evaded you and you will never regret being introduced to this mind, body and spirit altering journey.


Time to say goodbye in style

Lodge Home

The passing of a loved one can have a devastating effect on those left behind, especially when the passing is unexpected. Even when the loss is somewhat expected, resulting from a long-term or prolonged illness or disability, nothing can really prepare someone for the day when they receive “that” call.

Sometimes, families have the chance to be with their loved ones at the moment of passing, which can leave them with a sense of peace after the event, knowing that they were by their side in their last moments. However, not everyone is able to experience the last moments with their loved ones and see them pass peacefully on. No matter how it happens, nothing quite prepares a person for the finality of the event.

How and when this happens is not something that anyone is able to ultimately control however what we do have control over is how we chose to remember our loved ones and how we say farewell to them. Everyone is an individual, and when starting to arrange a funeral, there is no greater respect than giving them the farewell that matches how they chose to live their lives. Your loved one can be released in a way that is as original as all of our personalities.

How we say farewell, is not only a reflection on how our dearly beloved wanted to be remembered but so too is it a chance for loved ones to show one last time, just how much that person meant to them. It is a healing rite of passage for the family and the friends who will miss the departed and now struggle with how to imagine their lives without that special person. Having a ceremony at the end of a life, is as much about the living as it is about the departed. Celebrate your loved one by making reference to their hobbies, interests, and career or life experiences and show them how much you respected their life, in other ways such as choosing a modern coffin, using a particular colour theme or dress code for the day, choosing particular music that your loved one enjoyed, or providing photographic displays at the wake.

Historically, funerals are highly ritualised and traditionally aligned to religious ceremonies as formal and earnest in nature. More and more people chose to celebrate life rather than focus on the loss itself and are looking for ways to help them express the love of life that they so keenly feel when someone’s life is lost. Lodge Brothers understand how important a bespoke funeral can be and treat all funerals with the exact level of respect that is required at the end of someone’s life. Lodge Brothers also understand that as different as we are all are in life, is the case in death and offers many ways for families who prefer non-religious or ethnically diverse ceremonies. Regardless of race or religious beliefs, Lodge Brother staff will guide you through the process to help you achieve a ceremony that is right for you and your deceased loved one. If you prefer a non-religious service, it can be arranged for a Humanist or Civil Celebrant to officiate at the funeral.

Whichever way that Lodge Brothers can help you at this important time, is exactly what you can expect to receive, speak to them about how to celebrate the life of your loved one with an alternative memorial.


IBS offers on-site industrial services

On Site Services

IBS Blowers has a passion for the industry. More importantly, IBS Blowers has a passion for your industry. Your business produces goods and provides related services which are a major source of revenue for your company. Your success adds to the overall success and revenue production of the sector and the country as a whole. Industry brings about economic activity through the processing of raw materials which are manufactured into goods which the country needs for its consumption, growth, and development. Certain sectors of industry rely heavily on the accessibility and reliance of the equipment and machinery which they require in order to meet the needs of their clients. Without the ability to ensure that production levels remain high at all times, the industry is at risk of not meeting its outputs and subsequently will not be as productive as they need to be to sustain themselves and the economy.

IBS Blowers proudly backs the needs and requirements of all industries who rely on the products which they are able to provide. Reliable and readily available, IBS  Ltd provides a vast number and variety of air moving products to the Industrial, Utility, Manufacturing, Road Tanker, Municipal and Commercial sectors which include the following: blowers, portable vacuum units, side channel blowers and vacuum pumps, road tanker equipment, biogas compressors, liquid ring vacuum pumps, industrial vacuums and any spares and ancillaries which are kept in stock. No other company in the UK can offer a range of stock to match IBS Ltd.

In addition to the large range of products that IBS staff offers. so do they offer the specialised expertise of industrial engineers who are able to offer on-site services allowing them to bring their knowledge and know-how to your doors. Partnering with the companies who rely on IBS products, allows IBS to offer their customers access to the in-depth understanding that IBS engineers have, regarding all of their products and bring this knowledge to your company with faultless precision. On-site services include Roots Type Blower Servicing for all makes and models. Servicing includes changing of inlet filtration systems, checking or changing of belts which utilise laser alignment equipment, oil changes, greasing of bearings, if required, blower internal checks, checking of pressure relief valves and non-return valve checks and bearing checks. Risk Assessments and Method Statements can be provided for all site work. Where necessary, customers can request for IBS to provide them with a preventative maintenance program, which is subject to a site survey.

Additional servicing includes vacuum pump servicing, fault finding and modification services for prevailing biogas compressor installations, unbiased, independent site survey and advisory service for new installations, preventative maintenance programs, evaluation of total costs including running costs based on performance evaluations on electrical equipment to highlight potential energy savings which may be afforded by introduction of more efficient equipment.

Based on an on-site survey, IBS can provide customers with a report detailing the outcome of investigations and present findings, offering applicable recommendations for energy savings for your business. Energy audits are performed on drives, room ventilation, filter efficiency, pipe layout in order to provide your business with the most efficient machine running configuration and electrical equipment. Operate at your ultimate production and economic levels by partnering with IBS Ltd.