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Meet Mal Weeraratne | Holistic Healer

It has been a long time since a new technique has made such impressive improvements to health and well-being, earning the praise of all who have tried its unique healing ability. A system which incorporates the ancient understanding of the eastern cultures and skilfully blends these with modern day insights to produce one of the most effective means of healing on the deepest levels within the body. Emotional detox through bodywork is just that and promises to provide a new path to insight and awareness, never before realised. The work of Mal Weeraratne has been lauded as a must for anyone looking to delve into their own personal emotional depths and discover what is lying underneath their surface.

When working on this unconscious level with the knowledge that Mal Weeraratne has of the body and the meaning behind the ailments we experience in our personal lives, one can experience the immense benefits of the skills and expertise that he brings to the practice. Developed by Mal Weeraratne and explained in more detail in his well-known book, Emotional Detox through Bodywork, the concept is simple and 100% natural. Therapy sessions can be conducted in person with Mal Weeraratne for those who would like to experience the deep levels of healing that is attainable, for themselves.

This Emotional detox system can help with the healing of ailments which are emotional or physical. It is explained that our emotions are the route of all imbalances in the body and that as a result, the body manifests pains and illness or emotional anxieties as its way of showing the conscious you, that there is something that needs to be worked on. Bringing balance to your system is the quickest way to reduce the physical symptoms of these imbalances, some of which have settled deep in the body for decades, carried with us through our lives and waiting for the moment to reveal themselves to the mind. Emotional detoxing can support the body in releasing that which has been holding us back from living the healthiest, most productive versions of our lives.

Allowing the mind and body to relax and re-tune themselves to their natural state of being can help alleviate the symptoms of depression, addictions, low self esteem and lack of self confidence resulting in a lack of libido and can have amazing effects on many issues relating to the body’s ability to regulate its reproductive system, physical, chemical and emotional. Dysfunctions that are associated with the body’s natural needs and desires are addressed head on with this easy to experience practice. Having had so much success with the techniques used, there are hundred of delighted customers who use the practice intermittently or regularly, to keep themselves in the best physical state of mind and body possible.

Clearing blockages caused by memories and beliefs that the body carries, can free the body of discomfort and bring about a feeling of content, some thing which some of us have long forgotten as is a normal state of being for the body-mind! Find your equilibrium and receive healing, bliss and inner transformation.

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