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Meet Mal Weeraratne | Holistic Healer

It has been a long time since a new technique has made such impressive improvements to health and well-being, earning the praise of all who have tried its unique healing ability. A system which incorporates the ancient understanding of the eastern cultures and skilfully blends these with modern day insights to produce one of the most effective means of healing on the deepest levels within the body. Emotional detox through bodywork is just that and promises to provide a new path to insight and awareness, never before realised. The work of Mal Weeraratne has been lauded as a must for anyone looking to delve into their own personal emotional depths and discover what is lying underneath their surface.

When working on this unconscious level with the knowledge that Mal Weeraratne has of the body and the meaning behind the ailments we experience in our personal lives, one can experience the immense benefits of the skills and expertise that he brings to the practice. Developed by Mal Weeraratne and explained in more detail in his well-known book, Emotional Detox through Bodywork, the concept is simple and 100% natural. Therapy sessions can be conducted in person with Mal Weeraratne for those who would like to experience the deep levels of healing that is attainable, for themselves.

This Emotional detox system can help with the healing of ailments which are emotional or physical. It is explained that our emotions are the route of all imbalances in the body and that as a result, the body manifests pains and illness or emotional anxieties as its way of showing the conscious you, that there is something that needs to be worked on. Bringing balance to your system is the quickest way to reduce the physical symptoms of these imbalances, some of which have settled deep in the body for decades, carried with us through our lives and waiting for the moment to reveal themselves to the mind. Emotional detoxing can support the body in releasing that which has been holding us back from living the healthiest, most productive versions of our lives.

Allowing the mind and body to relax and re-tune themselves to their natural state of being can help alleviate the symptoms of depression, addictions, low self esteem and lack of self confidence resulting in a lack of libido and can have amazing effects on many issues relating to the body’s ability to regulate its reproductive system, physical, chemical and emotional. Dysfunctions that are associated with the body’s natural needs and desires are addressed head on with this easy to experience practice. Having had so much success with the techniques used, there are hundred of delighted customers who use the practice intermittently or regularly, to keep themselves in the best physical state of mind and body possible.

Clearing blockages caused by memories and beliefs that the body carries, can free the body of discomfort and bring about a feeling of content, some thing which some of us have long forgotten as is a normal state of being for the body-mind! Find your equilibrium and receive healing, bliss and inner transformation.


Detox your body of negative emotions

Image result for mal weeraratne and the femaleEnergy medicine is a return to the ancient techniques of health and well-being which was well understood by mostly those from the Eastern cultures. In the West, the understanding of energy and subsequently energy medicine, came about in line with the development of science and empirical measurement. Western society as a whole has only learnt to embrace energy as the result of scientific development. Eastern cultures innately understood that there were more aspects to the body than meets the physical eye. As a result, Eastern modalities understand and utilise many aspects which the Western world has taken longer to embrace. Mal Weeraratne is someone who has taken the innate knowledge from the East and developed this knowledge into Emotional Detox through Bodywork. Mal Weeraratne has studied and practiced his skills for many years. It is because of his deep understanding of the three aspects of the physical, spiritual and energetic, or emotional body, and his years of study, which have allowed him to grow into one of the foremost Western energy practitioners.

Applying his understanding of Taoism and Tantric Buddhism, Mal Weeraratne works with the energy centers of the body which are referred to as the chakras. There are 7 main chakras, or energy centers,  which are spinning wheels of energy located throughout the center-line of the body, from the base of your body to the top, or crown, of your head. Each one of the chakra’s have their own colour and “attributes” and they are there to govern specific organs and endocrines (glands).  Identifying which of the chakra’s are out of balance is the first step in identifying where in the body, negative energy or stress is situated. And in extreme cases, they may also already disease within the physical body as a result of the storage of that negative energy which may be disrupting the chakra wheel.

Emotional Detox through bodywork focuses, through the chakra’s, right down into the lowest level of human physiology which is situated at cellular level, in order to access the emotions which are stored in the memory of the cell itself. All memories which are charged with an emotional trigger, be it positive or negative, can find themselves stored at the level of cellular memory. It is these stored emotional cellular memories which perpetuate through our lives as our fundamental belief systems. Our belief systems lead us to react or behave in the specific ways that we do, as they form the basis of our understanding of life. This is perfectly acceptable, except when these believe systems are either affecting us in a negative way, such as perpetuating behaviors or thought-patterns which impact our lives in an adverse way, such as holding us back from being the best version of ourselves, or simply not serving us any longer.

Emotional Detox is a structured practice which addresses all the parts of the release, from emotional to physical. Mal Weeraratne practices with understanding of the 3 aspects of our bodies interact and come together to either build us up or break us down, allowing us to physically release these from the body.


Alleviate symptoms of disease with Emotional Detox

Image result for Mal Weeraratne

Developed by Mal Weeraratne from Emotional Detox, Emotional Detox Through Bodywork (EDTB) is a practice of healing and awakening based which has been developed based on the philosophies of both Tantra and Tao. Also known as Emotional Release, Emotional detox is in principle the same as any other type of physical or emotional detox for the body. Just as you might cease or curb the intake of certain aspects of your diet, to improve the body’s ability to flush out all existing toxins thereby giving it a new start from which it can better respond so can you expect the same effects when engaging in Emotional Detox with Mal Weeraratne.

The complex emotional matrix in the body is affected by the thousands of events and situations which we encounter as we go through life, beginning from when we are in vetro. Responding to the outside world, people and feelings which we experience we internalise our emotions which, if not expressed or processed in some way, can get stuck in the body. All of our organs, endocrines, and body parts are symbolic in the whole that is our physical body and all have the responsibility of helping us to process our emotions. Mental and emotional triggers can lead to diseases such as depression, insomnia, cancer or diabetes. Releasing trapped or stagnant emotions and traumas as part of an emotional detox affords the body the ability to start again from a significantly healthier stand-point.

Emotional Detox Through Bodywork by Mal Weeraratne is an alternative healing modality which is transformative and a powerful in that it is capable of releasing immense trauma even down to cellular level. Emotional release at a cellular level can bring about a remarkable emotional and physical transformation literally changing lives and transforming a person’s entire physical and emotional body.

Benefits of EDTB with Mal Weeraratne include alleviating the symptoms of the disease such as emotional and chemical afflictions such as stress, tension and depression; increasing one’s drive for intercourse and reducing any fears or pain associated with the physical act. This in itself can increase one’s confidence and restore a person’s sense of self-worth and belonging. Increase confidence and self esteem in turn curbs low views of body confidence and self-inflicted body shame issues. Not to mention physical difficulties such as PMS and period pains, or any other associated dysfunctions.

Mal Weeraratne’s Emotional Detox is a holistic approach and works with the mind-body connections which link the three different energy bodies, namely: physical body, energetic or emotional body and the spiritual body.

Mal Weeraratne’s EDTB sessions are performed while the person is fully clothed and include 5 steps:

  1. Talking, listening and questions
  2. The setting of intentions for the purpose of the session so to address the reasons why the session or sessions are required
  3. Kundalini meditation and yoga for relaxation to help calm the body-mind
  4. Bodywork in the form of deep tissue massage to transform areas of unresponsiveness and create a channel through which the energy flow at the cellular level and promoting alignment.
  5. Yoni massage for ultimate emotional release.

Mal Weeraratne was the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK

Mal Weeraratne is a highly experienced Tantra Master and the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork’ a unique self-help guide to releasing stagnant, negative emotions using Tantric and Tao techniques. 

Mal Weeraratne runs a highly successful and busy Tantric temple where he has treated thousands of clients. In addition to his treatment of thousands of women with his pioneering emotional release techniques through deep, tantric bodywork, Mal Weeraratne also teaches his pioneering techniques and indeed Mal Weeraratne believes that a valuable part of his lifes work is to impart his vast knowledge of Tantra through talks, workshops and training.

Mal Weeraratne offers a range of tantra courses, workshops and treatments at his London based Tantra Temple, but now he offers unique opportunities to go to the beautiful Tao Gardens, Thailand and embark on a Tantric Journey retreat. Mal Weeraratne offers these highly unique tantric retreats a few times a year and they are understandably popular. This unique retreat course is taught by Mal Weeraratne himself with aid of assistants that have qualified through Tantric Journey’s Practitioner training academy.

To read more about the pioneering emotional release techniques that Mal has developed then simply visit his website where you can also book one-to-one tantra treatment sessions with Mal Weeraratne;  enrol on a talk given by Mal Weeraratne or enlist for a tantra course co-ordinated and taught by Mal Weeraratne.

It is certain that in the field of emotional release through bodywork Mal has an extraordinary wealth of knowledge and practical expertise. Indeed Mal Weeraratne frequently treats clients that travel to see him from all over the United Kingdom as well as overseas. Testimony to Mal Weeraratne’s success in his chosen field can be seen in the many testimonials that his clients have given him and his passion for his work is most commendable.