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Alleviate symptoms of disease with Emotional Detox

Image result for Mal Weeraratne

Developed by Mal Weeraratne from Emotional Detox, Emotional Detox Through Bodywork (EDTB) is a practice of healing and awakening based which has been developed based on the philosophies of both Tantra and Tao. Also known as Emotional Release, Emotional detox is in principle the same as any other type of physical or emotional detox for the body. Just as you might cease or curb the intake of certain aspects of your diet, to improve the body’s ability to flush out all existing toxins thereby giving it a new start from which it can better respond so can you expect the same effects when engaging in Emotional Detox with Mal Weeraratne.

The complex emotional matrix in the body is affected by the thousands of events and situations which we encounter as we go through life, beginning from when we are in vetro. Responding to the outside world, people and feelings which we experience we internalise our emotions which, if not expressed or processed in some way, can get stuck in the body. All of our organs, endocrines, and body parts are symbolic in the whole that is our physical body and all have the responsibility of helping us to process our emotions. Mental and emotional triggers can lead to diseases such as depression, insomnia, cancer or diabetes. Releasing trapped or stagnant emotions and traumas as part of an emotional detox affords the body the ability to start again from a significantly healthier stand-point.

Emotional Detox Through Bodywork by Mal Weeraratne is an alternative healing modality which is transformative and a powerful in that it is capable of releasing immense trauma even down to cellular level. Emotional release at a cellular level can bring about a remarkable emotional and physical transformation literally changing lives and transforming a person’s entire physical and emotional body.

Benefits of EDTB with Mal Weeraratne include alleviating the symptoms of the disease such as emotional and chemical afflictions such as stress, tension and depression; increasing one’s drive for intercourse and reducing any fears or pain associated with the physical act. This in itself can increase one’s confidence and restore a person’s sense of self-worth and belonging. Increase confidence and self esteem in turn curbs low views of body confidence and self-inflicted body shame issues. Not to mention physical difficulties such as PMS and period pains, or any other associated dysfunctions.

Mal Weeraratne’s Emotional Detox is a holistic approach and works with the mind-body connections which link the three different energy bodies, namely: physical body, energetic or emotional body and the spiritual body.

Mal Weeraratne’s EDTB sessions are performed while the person is fully clothed and include 5 steps:

  1. Talking, listening and questions
  2. The setting of intentions for the purpose of the session so to address the reasons why the session or sessions are required
  3. Kundalini meditation and yoga for relaxation to help calm the body-mind
  4. Bodywork in the form of deep tissue massage to transform areas of unresponsiveness and create a channel through which the energy flow at the cellular level and promoting alignment.
  5. Yoni massage for ultimate emotional release.
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